Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nintendo Wii vs Sony Playstation Move vs Microsoft XBOX 360 Kinnect, which ones are better ?

While having a look on the world gaming console at the moment, we can see there are 3 giants who share the same idea about innovation for howto play. Before, the player communicates and controls the game action by controller. But now, for Nintendo Wii and Sony Playstation Move, gamers still need the controller but in a different form. It looks alike the traditional one but it communicates with wireless in a another manner by pointing the controller at the TV's screen then the gamers play their role in the gameplay but moving their hand holding the controller to imitate the character movement. This is a new revolution in the game industry.
Recently, after its show at the CES 2010, Microsoft XBOX presents its product called Kinnect which looks like a computer webcam to capture the players movements without any controller intervention, the whole player's movements is the game controller.

Here are some videos to give you idea how it works:

Which ones are better ?

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